| player skill quantification
skill quantification and player skill matching for video games


Experts in skill quantification for games of skill, games of chance and driving skill. 


Skillquant is a proprietary, modular, skill quantification and management engine. It’s central principle, that differentiates from other skill and ranking systems is that “Optimal skill”, being the maximum skill a player can exert over a game, IS knowable.


It is intended as the first system to meter skill (in digital environments) at the highest possible fidelity, being the ‘per frame’ level. From this position of unique data visibility it is intended to facilitate the following functions, in a modular, set up:


skillquant_screens (1)

  • Accurate, real-time, player skill quantification
  • Accurate player skill matching with minimal player history
  • Optimization of player engagement through real time experience curves
  • Player liquidity management
  • Compliance monitoring for both operator and competent authority
  • Detection of cheating and fraudulent player behavior patterns